I can’t overstate how pleased I am with the dental and health care my children have received through the clinic. My children had their annual doctor’s appointments there back in February and the providers gave them each a full hour’s worth of attention. Since then, they’ve been extremely helpful in getting some follow-up referral appointments with specialists. Just before summer break, the doctor called out of the blue to ask how my children were doing and to make sure I knew how to get care over the summer if we needed it. (All we had to do was go to the Clinic on Rt. 11 in Dublin.) I cried a little bit when I got off the phone because I’ve never felt so cared for by a healthcare provider.
This fall, my kids had their annual dental appointments at Pulaski Elementary School. They both needed sealants and, with my permission, the clinic arranged for them to be transported to and from PES to PCHS for that treatment. I didn’t have to take time off of work or handle any logistics with the school. They did it all for me and then called to give me updates.
My understanding is that they do all of this regardless of your insurance status.
For those who are concerned about this stuff, at no point have either of my children been offered hormone blockers or birth control or testing/treatment for STDs. But if my children ever find themselves concerned about a sexually transmitted disease and uncomfortable talking to me about it, then I will also greatly appreciate the caring people at the PCPS clinic helping them to stay healthy.